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- ⏳Erebus Growing | 0008 - On Building Your Highest Life, Part 2
⏳Erebus Growing | 0008 - On Building Your Highest Life, Part 2
With a clearer picture of your life, how do you change it? Let’s dive in–
I was raised as a meat & potatoes kid.
Every meal was likely to be some sort of meat (pork chops, chicken, beef cuts), a potato (sliced and fried, mashed, baked), and a canned vegetable that was unceremoniously dumped into a bowl and nuked in the microwave.
It was food that was always bland.
And I’m eternally grateful that we had it.
But WOW did my world explode when I started to try out seasonings and spices.
As I got older, my tastes started to change even further–I discovered that I’m not a big enough fan of meat to even generally buy it.
My diet has trended towards more plant-based options.
And as I’ve studied and read up on plant-based options, I found that this is more of what I want in my life.
So, I’ve consciously chosen more plant-based options when they’re available or I have a choice.
Change is not a miracle–it’s a choice.
In pursuing your highest life, the life you envisioned from last week, the best way is to first make the choice to pursue it.
No one can make that choice for you.
And change isn’t just going to miraculously happen in your life. At least not change for the better of your life.
When you make the choice to pursue your highest life, you are sharing with the universe that you’re ready to change–to grow.
This is important because you are not ready for the life you envisioned.
There are things that the future you do in your highest life that the current you can’t.
This is a bit difficult to understand at first, but take time to think on it.
In order to become the person you are meant to be, you have to be the person you are meant to become.
The way to change your life is to consciously make the decision every single day.
When you’re faced with an opportunity to write or watch YouTube videos, what does the future you in your highest life do?
Do they watch YouTube videos?
Or do they write?
The decisions you make every day impact who you’re becoming.
What you do, you become.
But there’s a more terrifying side to changing your life.
When you change your life, you change who you are at the very core of your being.
When you change your life, you are destroying your previous being.
Just as who you were when you were a teen no longer exists, so to will you as you are right now.
Change fundamentally means letting go of your identity, of who you are, and creating a new person.
And that’s f*cking terrifying.
Change—real, lasting change—is terrifying because you are putting yourself at risk of losing who you are.
When you change from the inside, you’re telling your old self: “You no longer serve me. I need something/someone higher to keep growing.”
You can see and envision your true self, your highest self, and recognize that who you are now pales in comparison. Who you are now CANNOT become the person you are meant to be. And so, you need to shed who you are now.
And that’s okay.
Let me tell you, if no one else does, it’s okay to change.
➡️ It is okay for you to be different from who you used to be. ⬅️
And you don’t need to explain a damn thing about it to anyone.
“I wanted to” is a full sentence.
But how do you change?
By making one small decision at a time.
It was a concept that I first learned from Dan Koe, but simply put, you choose the action or decision that aligns most with your highest life.
You make the decision over and over every day.
You choose the new choice, the right choice, the best choice that aligns with your highest life.
And, starting with just tiny steps, one day you’ll look up and find yourself surrounded by the change you envisioned.
You’ll find yourself in a new place, one that hopefully mirrors the highest life you envisioned.
And along the way, you’ll have become the person you are meant to be.
Change is a decision, not pure happenstance or luck.
Every single day, you have the opportunity to wake up and make the decision to change.
So, take one of those items from your explorations this past week–take that ideal self who consumes a whole-foods plant-based diet–and choose appropriately every time.
Choose the Mediterranean roasted chickpea bowl over the grilled chicken and veggies.
Choose the life you want to live.
After all, you’re going to die–live accordingly.
With love and a sense of urgency.