⏳ Erebus Growing | 0019 - Go and be selfish

Sometimes the only way to improve life for others is to improve life for yourself

Welcome to Erebus Growing, a weekly email where I share little snippets of life to help you change and grow into your highest life.

This week I’ve taken a break from a number of things.

Mostly my work on Twitter and it’s because I’m working to understand what I’m trying to do and how my work on Twitter joins it together.

Since I really started doing the work in my life, I’ve been ensuring that everything I do is moving me forward—that it’s building my highest life and growing me into my highest self.

And this week (and probably a chunk of the next week), that involves looking at Twitter and what I’m trying to accomplish there.

Always build towards your future, even if it’s one slow step at a time.

👨🏻‍💻 Meditation

I want you to be selfish.

I want you to build your life for you and you alone.

This life—your life—is the only one you have. And you’re the only person you’ll spend time with for your entire life.

So, I want you to be selfish.

Build the life of your dreams; build the life that you’ve always wanted.

Focus on what you want; do things that make you excited to be alive; go on trips that you’ve dreamed about.

Live a life so vividly yours—so much of you—that you go to be tired and content and you wake up excited and energized.

Stop worrying about other people.


Because the secret is you eventually experience so much happiness and joy and life that you want others to share in it too.

You start to naturally tell others the secrets that you know.

How you get to live this life. What kind of work that you do. What growth you’ve experienced. How you’ve lived in this world.

You start to talk about your experiences, share what little tweaks you’ve made, explain how you thrive instead of just survive.

Don’t build your life for others.

Build it for you and only you.

And through that, let it inspire others.

Go and be selfish. It will make the world a better place.

📚 Inspiration and Resources
Every week we all consume content and I share my favorites here.

This week I wanted to share some of the newsletters that I receive and look forward to each week. This list has also helped me to understand what newsletters I don’t want to receive any longer. Peruse below to your heart's content.

The Koe Letter. Written by Dan Koe, it’s one of the first newsletters that I subscribed to when I started my personal growth journey that continually forces me to consider who I am and what I’m doing. I’ve fallen behind in reading it but it continues to push me to grow with every issue.

Work Less Wednesday. Written by Rich Webster, it’s another newsletter that I followed pretty early on in my journey. It focuses primarily on tips around productivity, business building, and (shockingly) working less. The number of little tips or websites or threads I’ve received is well into the dozens now.

The Persuasive Page. Written by Daniel Throssell, it’s easily one of the only emails I read consistently (just about every day as it’s a daily email). Daniel Throssell is a copywriter writing to other copywriters (and doing a damn good job). One of the biggest lessons I’ve taken from him is to be ruthless with your audience and hold them to high standards. He is not for everyone, but I’ve learned a ton from him.

Ness Labs. Written by Anne-Laure Le Cunff, this letter nourishes my mind with a mixture of all sorts of mental articles. As someone who expects to use my mind for work until I choose to stop working, this is a newsletter I look forward to receiving each week.

The Curiosity Chronicle. Written by Sahil Bloom, this is a newer addition to my list after I came across some of Sahil’s tweets on LinkedIn. Without question, however, the biggest lesson I’ve taken so far is his 1-1-1 journaling practice. One win, one tension, and one point of gratitude from the day. It’s the backbone of my evening journaling session.

Forte Labs. Written by Tiago Forte, this letter renewed my desire for learning and all things knowledge. When we leave school, we tend to stop learning for the joy of learning. Tiago Forte is most well known for his concept of building a second brain. Something that I’m slowly moving into personally.

The Saturday Solopreneur. Written by Justin Welsh, this newsletter provides bite-sized lessons to build your own solopreneur business and move toward a life of abundance. A true lesson of less is more oftentimes—and a lifestyle addition I can get behind.

📓 Journaling Prompt
Journaling is one of the most important things to do when exploring our own lives. A new prompt for you to use this week is below.

What newsletters do I receive that actually benefit and improve my life?

Until next time, I wish you enough and send you off with love and a sense of urgency in your life.