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  • ⏳ Erebus Growing | 0043 - Tenet 7: You deserve the best this world has to offer

⏳ Erebus Growing | 0043 - Tenet 7: You deserve the best this world has to offer

You deserve it because you exist

Welcome to Erebus Growing, a weekly email where I share little snippets of life to help you change and grow into your highest life.

I am off tomorrow from both the 9-5 and the part-time. I haven’t had any work-related responsibilities at either the 9-5 or the part-time since Thursday.

It’s been nice, but one of the things I’ve noticed is that I want to do stuff.

I don’t want to just sit around all day.

It’s nice to do that for a little bit, but then I get to a point where it’s just not what I want.

I want to be stimulated and challenged and produce something.

This is good knowledge to have.

Let’s dive in.

👨🏻‍💻 Meditation

You deserve the best this world has to offer.

Every bit of it.

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve to be in love.

You deserve to experience joy.

You deserve it.

And, I’m going to state it again in case no one has told you this before, I really need you to hear and understand this.

You deserve the best this world has to offer.

For no other reason than you’re alive.

I cannot even express how long it’s taken me to get even a fraction of the way to accepting this.

You deserve to be able to just exist and live a fulfilling life.

The reality is that people who are living fulfilling lives are most often doing something.

Typically, it’s something that really inspires or intrigues them, but it is doing something.

This will be a topic for another week soon, but when you take all requirements and needs away, humans generally want to contribute to the world in some form or fashion.

Realizing and accepting that I deserve the best this world has to offer has radically changed my life.

I know that I deserve what this world has to offer, but it’s not free.

I will have to sacrifice for it.

I will have to make choices on what to focus on.

I will have to work for it.

But herein lies the secret.

I don’t have to prove that I’m worth it, but rather that I can manage it.

The person that I am now is not the person I am destined to become.

And the person that I am now cannot have the life that the person I am destined to become has.

For example, let’s look at my financial situation.

I have a significant amount of credit card debt, two personal loans, and both federal and private student loans.

It sucks.

But it’s necessary. Because if I successfully built a business that paid me $15k a month right now, I could pay off a lot of debt but would not have learned some of the valuable money lessons I have.

And these finance lessons, while it sucks experiencing it, have done more for me than anything else.

I have seen how my mind has changed.

I had a coworker who was talking with me about a major renovation they were completing on their house and how they had saved for almost four years to do so. And they were coming up short for some last-minute changes they needed to make to the plans. They were going to need to save for another year to complete it.

And in my head, my first remark was “I just would have found a way to make more money to cover it.”

I am not there yet financially, but my mindset has shifted from one of scarcity to prosperity.

That is the shift that you will have to make in your mind too.

You deserve the best this world has to offer in every way.

And, despite what the elite may say, there is more than enough.

Money is not scarce.

Wealth is not scarce.

Health, time, and people are scarce.

When you start to understand which things in the world are scarce, you will find yourself changing.

You will find yourself taking enough of what you need to build the best life for yourself in this world.

📚 Inspiration and Resources
Every week we all consume content and I share my favorites here.

It’s important to find things to engage with that are not related to your work or your income. In the past, I have written and self-published a novel, taken up painting, and played the piano. Last week, I had a sudden inspiration to try and pick up crocheting. Previously, I would have done one of two things: purchased far too many items to start a new hobby, or dismissed it and never tried to do it. This time, I took a middle line. I purchased a comprehensive crocheting kit for beginners. Personally, I purchased the pack with the plants (my desire knows no bounds when it comes to plants, apparently!). Give it a try here.

📓 Journaling Prompt
Journaling is one of the most important things to do when exploring our own lives. A new prompt for you to use this week is below.

What is the best this world has to offer you?

Until next time, I wish you enough and send you off with love and a sense of urgency in your life.