⏳ Erebus Growing | 0044 - Tenet 8: You only need enough

You get to choose what you believe and how you move in the world

Welcome to Erebus Growing, a weekly email where I share little snippets of life to help you change and grow into your highest life.

It’s been a long week, my friends. So, I don’t have much to say here.

Give the section below a read and move forward in power.

👨🏻‍💻 Meditation

You only need enough.

Last week, I talked about the fact that you deserve the best this world has to offer.

This often grows in one of two directions: either I don’t think I’ll ever have enough or I don’t think there is enough.

Both of these are resolved by two slightly different shifts in mindset.

First, the shift from scarcity to abundance. Second, the shift from “I don’t know what I want” to “I know what I don’t want.”

Moving from scarcity to abundance.

Money is often seen as a “zero-sum” game. There’s only $100 available for the entire group of 10 people and every dollar has to be allocated somewhere.

When you play the “zero-sum” game with money, you limit yourself.

You take up the space in your mind with the idea that “In order for me to win, someone has to lose.”

It’s an entirely baseless assumption.

Money, as we know it in this day and age, is just numbers on a screen. It’s how the government, any government, is able to just introduce more money into the economy when they need or want to.

It’s how (and why) the value of a currency fluctuates and exchange rates are not one-to-one.

Money is an easy concept for us to understand when it comes to scarcity vs. abundance.

Many, many people understand this because companies, if they give out raises or bonuses, make it seem like they are limited in doing so. (Sometimes, they truly are because they, unlike a government, only have so much profit they can play around with.)

Having a 9-5 job often leads to a scarcity-based mindset.

It’s done that to me for years.

There was a conversation a few weeks ago at my part-time with a coworker who was adding a deck to their house. They had another portion they wanted to add a deck to but didn’t have enough money put aside for it.

Their response was that they had been saving for four years to build the deck they’re adding now. And they would need to save for at least another year to finish it.

I still remember that my first thought when they were telling me this was “I could make that money just selling a product over email.”

There are many creators who do exactly that. I know of one copywriter who sells to copywriters and, when they have an unexpected expense, will just reopen access to purchase a highly sought-after course that they no longer offer at any time.

With the relationship they’ve built with their audience, they can make that money in a short timeframe many times over.

Let me be clear, right now, I do not have the capability to do that. But I am working on it.

Virtually all creators have shifted from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

There is more than enough in this world for you to have what you want.

There is more than enough in this world for everyone to have what they want.

The key to meeting this balance is to know where your limits are.

“I don’t know what I want.” to “I know what I don’t want.”

As creators push you to think about your life, they say “Write down your ideal day.” or “Write out what your life looks like.”

It’s hard to write out what you want your day or life to look like when you don’t know the possibilities.

The reality is your thinking, my thinking, it’s all tied down.

It has all been framed and penned in by what we saw around us as we grew up. By who we were/are surrounded by. By the media we follow.

We’re limited in knowing what is possible.

Akin to last week when I mentioned that the person you are now cannot live the life of the person you are meant to become, this is right in line.

You can’t imagine what you want because you don’t know what’s possible.

The way to conquer this is to shift our perspective.

Instead of trying to figure out what we want in life, we do the opposite.

We figure out and identify what we don’t want.

By identifying what we don’t want, we naturally start to move towards a life that holds what we do want.

It’s hard to imagine what my life would look like if I only had to write two hours a day to sustain my lifestyle because I’ve never had a person around me that I could look at.

I know it’s possible because there are people that I follow on social media who have demonstrated it.

What I do know, though, is that I don’t want to work a 9-5 job for the rest of my life.

Similarly, I want to honor my body more and for me, that means a whole-food plant-based diet and a solid workout routine.

Everyone I follow online puts in a huge amount of time and commitment to these areas (they are creators in these areas, after all!).

I can’t necessarily put in all of this time right now.

Instead, I’ve identified those areas that I know I don’t want.

I don’t want to eat terrible and unhealthy foods forever. I’m working on eating a more plant-forward diet and making better food choices. My lunches every weekday are often plant-forward if not entirely plant-based.

I don’t want to grow lethargic and have my body break down early in my life. I’m building a consistent exercise routine that I can keep up with. I row every day and I’m looking to add in a yoga practice three to four times a week.

These shifts start to pull your life together.

Once you understand that there is abundance in the world and what you don’t want in life, you start to see things come together.

You start to understand what it is you want and that there is enough.

The challenge, the real growth, comes in understanding that you only need enough.

You don’t need to make $25,000 USD a month to live a great life and do everything you want. You may only need $8,000 USD.

And there’s a significant difference in how you approach those needs.

You don’t need to become a “gym rat” to have an extremely healthy body. Once you get there the first time, you’re only maintaining.

You don’t need to become a professional chef to make amazing, healthy, and cheap meals. You just need a basic understanding of how things work with food and the kitchen.

A lot of these gaps and feelings are broken relationships from when we were younger.

The good news is that broken relationships can often be repaired.

📚 Inspiration and Resources
Every week we all consume content and I share my favorites here.

I listened to a recording on Spotify today from Dan Koe that I needed. In this one, he talks about his journey so far, from where he started until today. And to be honest, I needed it. Because so few creators speak to their entire journey. They mainly focus on where they are now which can make people feel drained and overwhelmed. Give it a watch here.

📓 Journaling Prompt
Journaling is one of the most important things to do when exploring our own lives. A new prompt for you to use this week is below.

Are you living in a world of scarcity or abundance?

Until next time, I wish you enough and send you off with love and a sense of urgency in your life.