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  • ⏳ Erebus Growing | 0053 - Imagining and living in the future are two very different things

⏳ Erebus Growing | 0053 - Imagining and living in the future are two very different things

Welcome to year 2 of Erebus Growing

Welcome to Erebus Growing, a weekly email where I share little snippets of life to help you change and grow into your highest life.

Things in life happen slowly. Sometimes so very slowly that it seems like it’s terrible.

But then, everything happens all at once.

I have two interviews for new 9-5 opportunities in the next couple of weeks. Neither of which I expected to happen.

I’m excited about both opportunities for different reasons. And I have more that I’m fostering to see where they go.

Life changes are on the wind and it’s only the end of the first week of the new year!

I’m also proud to say that I have posted on 𝕏 and Threads every day for this year so far.

And my streak for daily yoga remains unbroken.

Meditation is one that I’m finding difficult. I have to be more intentional with this particular component, but I’ll have it down before we hit February!

👨🏻‍💻 Meditation

This year, I’m diving in a bit differently. We’re going to focus on some themes each month based on my life tenets.

This month is centered on the idea that Life will out.

I’ve been job searching quietly for the past few months. I’m ready to leave my current 9-5 and move to my next opportunity.

I have at least two more years in a 9-5 to take care of some of my student loans.

The thing that’s most difficult about job searching is the excitement that comes when you find a position that you think fits you perfectly.

I get excited after reading the description, I wander around the website, I look up places to live, I explore the surrounding area, I think about the hassle of moving, I start planning—

I have to stop myself because what ends up happening is I get excited and then either don’t hear anything or it just disappears.

Case and point, I heard back on Friday from a position that I applied for almost six months ago for an interview.

A small part of me has moved on after the incredible amount of radio silence.

But another part of me is excited about the possibility again.

And while I’m excited, I’ve learned something in the past six months.

Stop living in a future that doesn’t exist.

The reality is, I don’t know if I’m going to make it past a first-round interview.

If I do, will I make it past an on-campus? If I do that, then will I accept?

There are so many different choices and ways things could unfold that I tend to get overwhelmed and I tell myself that I don’t deserve that future.

These past six months have led to the lesson about how to stop living in a future that doesn’t exist.

I’m not the person that lives there, I have to become that person, and I can only do so one step at a time.

I have to make it to the first interview first.

Then we can move forward.

Because right now, it’s just a first interview.

I’ve been doing the same with another position in a southern state. I’ve had to be very careful to not jump ahead of myself.

It’s just a first interview. For now, let it be that.

Imagining and living in the future are different concepts.

When you are imagining the future of your life, you are building the type of life you want by taking action in the present.

You align who you are now, with the person you want to become in the future.

But when you are living in the future, you have created a future that your present self cannot exist in.

It’s not who you are now or then.

There is a very subtle difference, but it’s there.

The reality is, who you are now cannot and will not ever exist again. Not in this time or space, nor the next.

The secret to living a bountiful and satisfying life is to imagine the future of your life and then build it.

You are the one in control of your life.

You choose how to respond to the universe and the universe responds to you.

📚 Inspiration and Resources
Every week we all consume content and I share my favorites here.

As I’ve been thinking about going into the classroom as a math teacher, I’ve been exploring YouTube (nothing new there!). I came across a full playlist of some videos that walk you through the very beginnings of mathematics (addition and subtraction) to some complex topics (high-level theorems and vector fields and more). Put together by Professor Dave Explains, I’m excited to spend some time watching the videos to refresh and increase my knowledge. Give it a watch here.

I’ve shared these before, but wanted to talk about my journals again given how important of a practice it is. I just received my new journals from Eccolo World Traveler yesterday. They’re the perfect size and my current journal sits right on my table where I look at it every day. The ink doesn’t bleed through, the ribbon helps to keep your place, and after a few uses, it sits open without any issues. I recommend them and if you’re interested, you can find them on Amazon. Give them a look here.

📓 Journaling Prompt
Journaling is one of the most important things to do when exploring our own lives. A new prompt for you to use this week is below.

Where are you jumping too far ahead in your life?

Until next time, I wish you enough and send you off with love and a sense of urgency in your life.