⏳ Erebus Growing | 0068 - Motivation and discipline

Motivation is fickle, discipline is steadfast

Welcome to Erebus Growing, a weekly email where I share little snippets of life to help you change and grow into your highest life.

Welcome to another edition of Erebus Growing!

This past week was very long. I had four full days with the 9-5 and the part-time which made for a very tiring week.

Luckily, this will be short-lived as I’m getting ready to move twice this summer (next month and in July/August) for the new 9-5!

But I’ve got a lot to do to get ready for all of this including finding new healthcare professionals, changing over an untold number of addresses, moving twice, getting rid of belongings and items, transporting plants, two cats, and all of my stuff to a new state, leaving the part-time, and a ton of other little things.

I’ll have to transition my PO Box too, so I will be publishing Erebus Growing every other week for the next few months as I work through all these items.

Enjoy this week and take time to rest as you can!

👨🏻‍💻 Meditation

Motivation is a fantastic driving force to jumpstart change but it won’t sustain your dreams.

Motivation is fleeting and fickle.

At some point, you will lose the motivation to keep going.

That is the moment you need to keep going the most.

The loss of motivation is where the introduction of discipline takes place.

Discipline will carry you forward, day in and day out, to build your life.

Change built on motivation is a poor decision in the long run.

Change built on discipline is the only way to be successful.

Let motivation spur you into action and let discipline sustain you.

📓 Journaling Prompt
Journaling is one of the most important things to do when exploring our own lives. A new prompt for you to use this week is below.

Have you been using discipline to grow and build your life?

Until next time, I wish you enough and send you off with love and a sense of urgency in your life.