⏳ Erebus Growing | 0070 - Letting life lead the way

Take life slow and take care of it

Welcome to Erebus Growing, a weekly email where I share little snippets of life to help you change and grow into your highest life.

This week is Moving Week! Well, Moving Week #1. The big one will be in August.

In a couple of weeks, I have some news I’ll be sharing about the 9-5 that I’m psyched about (all I’ll say now is that I’m changing to a different 9-5 entirely). Just got a couple more things to wrap up first before I say more.

I’m also headed to the doctor’s this week for stiffness and muscle tension in my neck that’s persisted for too long.

It may be stress because I’ll be changing my 9-5 and I haven’t fully shared that information yet, but I have this feeling it could be something more.

As I write about below, I want to get this checked out so that it doesn’t become anything more than what it is or might be right now.

And, I need to work on getting my cats into the vet before the end of the summer so they can get checked out for their physicals.

It’s a busy, busy week, but at least I have movers coming for this week to help load and unload!

👨🏻‍💻 Meditation

Life has a way of slowing things down for you.

Sometimes, you find yourself just going a hundred miles an hour and you never take a moment.

Life has a way of making you slow down.

Rob Dial likes to talk about the feather, the brick, and the truck.

In short, the universe will always try to tell you things with a feather.

It starts slow and gentle, just whispers of a message that you need to change or something is wrong.

If you ignore the feather, the universe starts throwing a brick.

Suddenly, you have this new pain in your back or this new problem crop up at work or home. The universe is speaking more intentionally to you.

If you ignore the brick, then the universe sends the truck.

The truck is what puts you in the hospital because you have a heart attack or you lose your job or some other potentially catastrophic situation.

Whatever the message is, the universe will find a way to let you know. Whether it’s gentle, persuasive, or catastrophic, that’s up to you.

Life has its way of making you slow down.

So, when possible, take things slow and take care of them—take life slow and take care of it.

📓 Journaling Prompt
Journaling is one of the most important things to do when exploring our own lives. A new prompt for you to use this week is below.

How are you enjoying your life right now?

Until next time, I wish you enough and send you off with love and a sense of urgency in your life.